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Apartment Search & Inspection

We know that moving to a new country can be stressful, but apartment hunting doesn't have to be. All you have to do is tell us what you're looking for in an apartment. Our team will take care of the rest.


Within 7 days of your submission, we'll send you a certified report with an apartment proposal and all the additional information you need to make an informed decision.

Downtown Montreal

How does it work?

It's simple,  you provide us your apartment criteria. Our team will leverage our multi-channel network to find you suitable options, we will then communicate with the landlords, visit & inspect the units, certify that they're not not fraudulent and then send you a certified report containing : 

  •  Videos + photos of the apartment. 

  • A comparative chart : What the apartment listing promises vs reality. 

  • An evaluation of the landlord.       

  • A walking score. 

  • The best routes to get to your university.          

  • A brochure of the best spots in your future neighbourhood.

Information about housing in Montreal

  • Moving Day in Quebec, July 1st, is the most common moving date as leases typically start and end on this day. Finding an apartment during this time is easier due to more options. However, after this date, housing becomes limited.

  • Most apartments are unfurnished, and choosing furnished options increases the rent, especially for shorter lease durations. For instance, an unfurnished studio starts at $1000/month, while furnished studios start at $1200/month.

  • Keep in mind that rents may vary based on lease duration, neighborhood, furnitures, and utilities. Shorter leases might have higher monthly rents and apartments with different amenities or locations can have varying rental prices.

2 people talking
Woman looking pensive

Apartment Criteria

I'm searching for accomodations for :
I'm looking for: (Please select at least 2 options )
I want the apartment to include:
Pick your desired neighbourhood (We suggest to select multiple options)

Personnal Info

I'm looking for an apartment for :

Be aware that we cannot guarantee an exact moving date for the one you have you have selected

Do you have any disabilities / impairments?
Select the desired number of apartment proposals




 **Be informed that in the event we are unable to locate an apartment that meets the specified criteria, such as a price that is too low or an unrealistic lease length, we will promptly reach out to you to discuss the required revisions to the criteria and explore alternative options.**

Thank you for submitting, you will receive a confirmation email shortly

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