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Circé Joyeux

Exchange student

average rating is 5 out of 5
Cette agence permet aux personne n’étant pas sur place de trouver un logement et de le vérifier. Je recommande fortement l’agence qui fait preuve de sérieux et est totalement à l’écoute de nos attentes. Leur rapports sont complets et donnent une image tout à fait fiable des logements proposés. Ils ont même adapté leur offre à notre besoin. Merci beaucoup.

Loïc Broquet

Exchange student

average rating is 5 out of 5
Thank you, Housing Hawk, for providing exceptional services. Your efforts have truly made the process of finding the perfect accommodation a seamless and stress-free journey! Thank you, Housing Hawk, for providing exceptional services. Your efforts have truly made the process of finding the perfect accommodation a seamless and stress-free journey! Thanks to your platform, I now have an apartment that not only met but far exceeded my expectations. The inclusion of apartment videos and detailed reports proved to be immensely helpful, instilling in me the utmost confidence that I was engaging with genuine offerings, completely free from any dubious scams. The videos, in particular, were incredibly beneficial as they offered a wealth of details from various angles, making it a true game-changer in helping me make my final decision. I must commend your team for their exceptional efficiency and attentiveness! Your proactive approach in finding accommodations that align with most, if not all, of our criteria is especially remarkable, especially given the current heated housing market. Your dedication to understanding my needs and taking the initiative to reach out genuinely showcases your commitment to customer satisfaction. Moreover, the fact that your team remains easily accessible even after the report has been sent is highly appreciated, should any questions arise. Furthermore, I found the pricing for your outstanding service to be more than reasonable. In conclusion, I am immensely satisfied with my experience with Housing Hawk. Thank you once again for everything!

Sakkara Boata

Exchange student

average rating is 5 out of 5
Excellent service! Highly recommended for everyone who is finding a perfect apartment.

Catherine Baltus

Mother of a student in preparatory year

average rating is 5 out of 5
Service impeccable et très professionnel ! Les rapports de visite sont complets et permettent une bonne vision du logement. Housing Hawk m'a permis de trouver un appartement rapidement et à distance.

Lukas Praus

Exchange student

average rating is 5 out of 5
Amazing service! Especialy regarding the heated housing market in Montreal. This organization brought me all the way from despare to having a reasonable accommodation that I am happy to have. Proactive and proffessional approach is a huge plus.

Christophe Philibert

Father of a student in preparatory year

average rating is 5 out of 5
Nous sommes très satisfaits de l'appartement en colocation trouvé et negocié pour nous par Housing Hawk ! Ils ont été très à l'écoute, extrêmement disponibles et surtout ils étaient sur place alors que nous étions encore en France. Merci beaucoup. Nous recommandons ces agents 👍

Christel Moncer

Mother of a student in preparatory year

average rating is 5 out of 5
De puis plusieurs mois j étais en quête d un logement pour ma fille( nous étions encore en france) , je suis tombée sur pas mal d annonces qui étaient soit des arnaques, soit des biens qui ne correspondaient pas à nos attentes en termes de quartier ou de tarifs. Housing Hawk, nous a permis de trouver un logement qui nous donne entière satisfaction. Leur aide et accompagnement ont été précieux pour nous et ce jusqu’à la remise des clés . Un grand merci et je recommande vivement cette entreprise.
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